Why must you disinefect by chlorination for plumbing systems?
Under current legionella guidance issued by the HSE it is recommended to treat plumbing systems that have been out of use for a prolonged time as a new system and disinfected by chlorination prior to returning to the building. Guidance has already been issued by the Director of Capital at the Department of Education instructing educational premises to chlorinate approximately a week prior to re-opening the building.
Chlorination is particularly important for all systems that may not have been regularly or thoroughly flushed or where normal control regimes may not have been effective. Under certain conditions water may deteriorate through stagnation and allow bacteria such as legionella to colonise the plumbing.
We offer complete chlorination of plumbing systems across the UK. Our operatives hold in-date EUSR National Water Hygiene Cards (UK water industry requirement for those working on clean water sites) and we use drinking water grade sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine). Upon completion of disinfection the system will be immediately ready for use and a chlorination certificate will be provided.
Please get in touch via the contact details provided or complete the enquiry form below.